Please note: We have taken every precaution to check out these links and at the time this list was compiled, the links were current and suitable for student use. Some are commercial sites which include advertising, or offer other services. Parent supervision is recommended. The webmaster and Tyson Elementary accept no responsibility for the content of the sites or of secondary links which they obtain.
Microsoft Office 365
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Information and Reference
- Google - A good search engine
- Ask.com - Type in a question and find the answer!
- Yahooligans - A search engine for kids
- Online Dictionary
- Online Thesaurus
- National Atlas of Canada online - Facts about Canada, teaching resources, Canadian communities
- French- English Dictionary - Type in a word and it will be translated for you!
- Canadiana - Contains links to sites on virtually any Canadian topic
- Guide to Grammar and Writing - Everything you ever wanted to know about...what else? Grammar and Writing!
- Nelson Math - Follow this essential link for parents and students
- Math Fact Cafe - Make your own worksheets and online flash cards!
- Share2learn.com - Makes the connection between math and literature
- Math Terminology - Need some help on Math Terminology?
- Math Glossary - A fantastic math glossary!
- Kids Domain - Math Games
- Math Extensions - Math support materials
- Fun Brain - Math and Language Arts activities/games
- Kidsclick - Maths extensions
- aplusmath - Worksheets and flashcards
- Brain teasers - Math Brain teasers
- AAAmath - Great worksheets and online tutorials
- Baron sd23 webpage - Great hands on sites for students
- Teaching Time - Great site and games for teaching analog clock
- Rainforest Maths - Best site on the internet for math!
- Multiplication.com - Multiplication site (great to improve your speed)
- Cool Math Games - Lemon-aid stand math/business game.
- A Math Dictionary for Kids - Cool, handy-dandy math dictionary. (If you don't know what your teacher wants you to do in math, look it up - here!)
- The Learning Planet - Math Mayhem game of speed and accuracy for multiplication, division, subtraction and addition.
- Interactivestuff.org - Shading in equivalent fractions.
- Cool Math 4 Kids - Learn about fractions the easy way!!!
- Interactive Math curriculum for all levels
- Fraction Game - A visual game to show how fractions are multiplied. Awesome!!!
- Grade 3/4 Subtraction Game - Subtraction using base blocks in a manipulative environment. Super for grade 3/4
- Fractions - A great lesson to learn about FRACTIONS.
- Academics Skill Builders - Great Video Math Game Races- Very competitive.
- Learn Now BC - interactive game for primary students
- Alphabuddies - Uses crafts to help teach children their alphabet
- tooter4kids - online letter generator, holiday themes, handwriting sheets ect...
- readinga-z - online reading program (requires a membership,but excellent website)
- kidsclick - a site ot order excellent software programs like phonics, keyboarding, spelling, ect K-6
- Storyline Online - amazing site that has celebrities reading classic books (streamline)
- Starfall Learn to Read with Phonics - Reading site to help beginning readers
- Awesome Library - another super information site
- PBS Kids - Placing an Arthur story in sequential order. Wonderful for primary.
- Gamequarium Junior - Spelling games for primary! Try it!
- BBC KS2 Bitesize - Reading Skills for Intermediates
- Bodybreak - Great nutrition and fitness tips
- BC Health Guide - BC Health Files, Nurse Line..
- PEBC - Physical Education In British Columbia - Articles, resources
- National Geographic - Great articles and videos
- The Science Explorer - Great activites and experiments
- Science Fair Projects - With Complete instructions
- Bill Nye - Bill Nye the Science Guy TV SHOW
- Earth Science - Rocks and Minerals, Soil Science
- Rock Identification - Hands on activity to identify and classify different types of rocks
- Discovery School - Lesson Plans, activities, puzzles and games, Videos
- Science Games - A game to introduce the Water Cycle, Earth, Pangaea maps
- Weather - Games coloring book, crossword puzzles
- Science World - Go to the teacher’s link and choose a science game
- Ed Heads - Check out this science based site of different education activities
Social Studies
- National Geographic for Kids
- The Canadian Atlas Online
- Wikipedia - A free encyclopedia on the internet
- Media Awareness - Resources and support for everyone interested in media and information literacy for young people
- Dance Mat Typing – Great Typing program and fun for kids.